Integrating the detailed financials of the deal gives added transparency to the assumptions without having to download additional data. Institutional Grade integrated proformas further derisk the deal by quickly adjusting assumptions and seeing the results.
Securely store and share all relevant documents. Organize documents logically by purpose or category. Use PDF reader to allow for documents to be read without the need to be downloaded or track what documents each user has downloaded.
By restricting access to sections of your deal, you control who access what materials. Investors can request access by finding the deals through marketplaces. Or a deal owner can send invites out to their own network of individuals.
Our analytics track what pages are being viewed, what files are being accessed, when terms are agreed to and from where. Use these to have better conversations with those accessing your deal.
Enrich your Digital Deal Book with curated content from 3rd-parties. Track investor interactions with your CRM. Automatically upload monthly financial statements from your accounting software for Investor Relations.
Here at StageXchange we believe in easing the process of deal management. From extensive due diligence to transparent pro formas, we ensure end-to-end institutional grade quality. Our unique digital deal books make it easy for developers to share their deal vision with potential investors.