Create and maintain a private branded marketplace just for your clients. Don’t be limited by MLS or Costar, add any and all relevant information a Buyer needs to make a decision. Aggregate all of your listings into a single marketplace and track the activity of prospective Buyers.
Integrating the detailed financials of the deal gives added transparency to the assumptions without having to download additional data. Institutional Grade integrated proformas further derisk the deal by quickly adjusting assumptions and seeing the results.
Incorporate drone video to make your listing stand out. Assist out of town Buyers quickly gain perspective on the subject property and surrounding area. Allow your property owner to update video files directly without needing your assistance.
Save time uploading new listings with pre-populated templates designed for specific property types. Be confident that your listing meets industry standards. Create standardization across all your listings.
Make it easy for your Buyer to substitute his own assumptions when calculating Net Operating Income (NOI). Our simple-to-use NOI calculator builds investor confidence and saves valuable time when conducting due diligence.
Curate relevant news articles to give Buyers a better perspective on the project and local economy. Use news articles to build confidence with out-of-town Buyers unfamiliar with your local market.
Make due diligence easier for Buyres with interactive CMAs. Buyers can clearly see what adjustments have been made to the comparables and substitute their own assumptions.
Don’t overwhelm Buyers with a dropbox filled with leases, inspection reports, rent rolls. Instead organize relevant documents directly into your listing with a Digital Deal Book.
Our analytics track what pages are being viewed, what files are being accessed, when terms are agreed to and from where. Use these to have better conversations with those accessing your deal.
Here at StageXchange we believe in easing the process of deal management. From extensive due diligence to transparent pro formas, we ensure end-to-end institutional grade quality. Our unique digital deal books make it easy for developers to share their deal vision with potential investors.